Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Little lights of mine

Here is Julian playing with Luke. I love this picture because it is just the best of childhood... you know you are running not from something or toward anything but just because you are so darn happy you don't know what else to do with yourself. This is how Traci (Luke's mom) and I played together... we have known each other since birth..what a gift to almost watch ourselves from a distance.

Then of course Julian didn't think I was feeding his darling brother enough so he felt so sorry for him he offered him all of the toilet paper... and Coopy being the angel he is would never refuse.

Here is my sweet sweet soul of a boy. I needed to know if he could wear his brother's baptismal outfit because I mean what is the point of buying another for that one time wear sort of thing. He will be baptized Sept 8th. It is a beautiful moment in which his father and I pledge to do everything in our power to teach him the ways of God...but oh how this child whose spirit is so gentle with eyes that light up the room is already teaching me.

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